Get real-time exchange rates for over 200 assets with a Streaming API. You will receive the rates of cryptocurrency, forex, indices, stocks, commodities and raw materials in machine readable format (JSON syntax).
We provide our services absolutely free of charge. If you need to access more than six times an hour, you will have to buy a license key at a very affordable / competitive price.
You can integrate Ex-Rates with your Business or Project. Our data is sent from our dedicated servers directly to you over a secure protocol, so there would be nothing to worry about.
The majority of our clients are multi-currency E-Commerce platforms who need a reliable source of data to feature products & services in multiple currencies.
Some brokers use Ex-Rates.LIVE quotes to exchange currency between user's wallets. Since our API has real-time rates almost anything becomes a valid possibility.
We have more than a dozen gaming related clients who use our quotes to build their Forex Binary & other kind of Games.